


Navigation configuration

The navigation configuration determines the next page to be shown, dependent on values in the state.

Each next page can have a number of conditions. These conditions are connected with AND, which means, all of them have to evaluate to true for the page to be shown.

The navigation options are checked in the order, as they are defined in the configuration. This means, if the conditions of the first option evaluates to true, the navigation is started immediately, the other options are not checked anymore.




allowDirectNavigationWithoutState: boolean
Type : boolean

Allows the user to directly navigate this page within the flow without a restored state. Default is false, which means the user gets redirected to the first page, if no state was restored.

backOptionList: NavOptionConfig[]
Type : NavOptionConfig[]

The list of possible previous pages in the navigation flow.

If the backOptionList is not set, the automatically remembered history of the visited pages will be used for the back navigation. An empty backOptionList ([]) will prevent a back navigation.

executeServiceActivatorsSync: boolean
Type : boolean

Flag that sequentially executes all the service activators configured in the page.

Should not be used anymore. Instead use the TRIGGER_SERVICE_ACTIVATORS action with the executeServiceActivatorsSequential flag.

navigateToLastVisitedPage: boolean
Type : boolean

By default when restoring the state it will navigate to the last visited page. If false then it will navigate to the page passed in the fragment of url. ex:

nextOptionList: NavOptionConfig[]
Type : NavOptionConfig[]

The list of possible next pages in the navigation flow.

omitFromHistory: boolean
Type : boolean

Do not add this page to the history of navigated pages.

onNavigationStartActions: ACTIONS[]
Type : ACTIONS[]

Actions that are executed when the navigation of one page to another one is started. They can use conditions to determine if they should be executed or not.

The following information is available for this in the state: $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingTo $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingFrom

onPageEnterActions: ACTIONS[]
Type : ACTIONS[]

A list of actions of the page, the actions are executed sequentially before the user enters the page

They can use conditions to determine if they should be executed or not. The following information is available for this in the state: $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingTo $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingFrom

onPageEnterServiceActivators: NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>
Type : NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>

Service activators to be called, when a page is opened.

onPageLeaveActions: ACTIONS[]
Type : ACTIONS[]

A list of actions of the page, the actions are executed sequentially before the user leaves the page in forward direction in the flow.

onPageLeaveBackwardsActions: ACTIONS[]
Type : ACTIONS[]

A list of actions of the page, the actions are executed sequentially before the user leaves the page in a backward direction in the flow.

onPageLeaveServiceActivators: NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>
Type : NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>

Service activators to be called, when a user leaves the current page. (=click on the next button)

pageConfigIdReference: PageId
Type : PageId

The pageConfigIdReference allows it to map a navigation config to a different pageConfig than the pageID. This makes it possible, to reuse the same pageConfig multiple times in the navigation. (1 pageConfig -> n navigationConfigs)

If there is also a pageConfig with the pageId of this navigation config, a deep merge is done on top of the pageConfigIdReference. This makes it possible, to overwrite certain parts of the referenced page config. By default, arrays are replaced. If a concat should be done instead, the pageConfigIdReferenceDeepMergeArrays flag can be used.

pageConfigIdReferenceDeepMergeArrays: boolean
Type : boolean

Used in combination with pageConfigIdReference. Do not overwrite arrays, but concat them.

pageId: PageId
Type : PageId

The pageID is a unique ID of a page throughout the whole configuration. In the navigation it references pages from the page configuration.

removePageFromState: boolean
Type : boolean

set to true to remove pages that have been visited multiple nextOptionList pages that stores value to the state

serviceActivators: literal type
Type : literal type

Service activators to be called, when a user click in some button on the current page.

Example of how add a new serviceActivator call called "getCustomerInformation":

"serviceActivators": { "getCustomerInformation": { "path": "customerInformation", "serviceActivatorMethod": "GET", "requestDataMapping": [ { "stateKeyExpression": "$.documentId", "requestDataExpression": "$.documentId" } ], "responseDataMapping": [ { "responseDataExpression": "$", "stateKeyExpression": "$.saveResponseHere" } ] } }

shutdownStateStorage: boolean
Type : boolean

If this attribute is set to true, the remote state storage will be shutdown when this page is entered. This means the latest state will not be updated anymore.

import { NavServiceActivatorConfig, NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray } from '../pfe-service-activator/service/service-activator.model';
import { JsonPathExpression } from './jsonpath-expression-type.model';
import { Conditions } from '../services/pfe-navigation-service/rules-evaluator';
import { PfeActionConfig } from './../pfe-actions/pfe-actions.model';
import { NavOptionErrorPageConfig } from './navigation-config-error-page.model';

 * Unique ID of a page.
export type PageId = string;
 * Enum of meta keys that can be used to do specific navigations to other sections of navigation config
export enum META_KEYS {

export interface MetaNav {
  metaNavId: META_KEYS;
 * Configuration for a service activator to be called.
export interface GlobalServiceActivators<ACTIONS = PfeActionConfig> {
  [id: string]: NavServiceActivatorConfig<ACTIONS>;

 * The PfeNavigationConfiguration contains all configuration values that are required for
 * the navigation between different pages in a flow.
 * The execution flow is as follows:
 * 1. Execute service activators
 * 2. Retrieve result and store to state
 * 3. Execute navigation conditions
export interface PfeNavigationConfiguration<ACTIONS = PfeActionConfig> {
   * The id to be displayed when a non recoverable error occurs.
   * An example for such an error is a failed service activator call.
   * It is possible to exclude certain http status codes from the automatic error handling with the
   * serviceActivatorErrorHandlingExcludeStatusCodes configuration in the application config.
   * @deprecated true
   * @deprecationMessage Use the errorPageNavigation instead.
  errorPageID?: string;

   * Determines the error page to be displayed.
   * Allows it to evaluate navigation options. Additionally to the state, the full response object is available under the key "$.response"
   * For example the status response code can be accessed like this: "$.response.status"
   * The state is available under the key "$.state"
  errorPageNavigation?: NavOptionErrorPageConfig[];

   * First page configuration.
   * It can be either a pageId (as string) or a first page configration with their next options.
  firstPage?: string | FirstPageConfiguration<ACTIONS>;
   * The collection of the navigation configuration for all pages of a flow.
  pages: PageNavigationConfiguration<ACTIONS>[];

   * Global service activators configuration registry. The service activators here can be triggered by their
   * ID in the navigation page configuration.
   * This makes it possible to trigger the same service activator on multiple navigations.
   * It is also possible to overwrite some of the attributes in the page navigations.
   * Example:
   *  "serviceActivators": {
   *     "IDofThisServiceActivator": {
   *       "path": "customerInformation",
   *       "responseDataMapping": [
   *         {
   *           "responseDataExpression": "$",
   *           "stateKeyExpression": "$.saveResponseHere"
   *         }
   *       ]
   *     }
   *   }
  serviceActivators?: GlobalServiceActivators<ACTIONS>;

 * typescript-json-schema is currently not able to handle default generics:
 * @see
 * As a workaround, this interface makes the default specific.
export type DefaultPfeNavigationConfiguration = PfeNavigationConfiguration<PfeActionConfig>;

 * Same as with the DefaultPfeNavigationConfiguration
export type DefaultPageNavigationConfiguration = PageNavigationConfiguration<PfeActionConfig>;

 * # Navigation configuration
 * The navigation configuration determines the next page to be shown, dependent on values in the state.
 * Each next page can have a number of conditions. These conditions are connected with AND,
 * which means, all of them have to evaluate to true for the page to be shown.
 * The navigation options are checked in the order, as they are defined in the configuration.
 * This means, if the conditions of the first option evaluates to true, the navigation is started
 * immediately, the other options are not checked anymore.
 * @export
export interface PageNavigationConfiguration<ACTIONS = PfeActionConfig> {
   * The pageID is a unique ID of a page throughout the whole configuration.
   * In the navigation it references pages from the page configuration.
  pageId: PageId;

   * The pageConfigIdReference allows it to map a navigation config to a different pageConfig than the pageID.
   * This makes it possible, to reuse the same pageConfig multiple times in the navigation. (1 pageConfig -> n navigationConfigs)
   * If there is also a pageConfig with the pageId of this navigation config, a deep merge is done on top of the pageConfigIdReference.
   * This makes it possible, to overwrite certain parts of the referenced page config.
   * By default, arrays are replaced. If a concat should be done instead, the pageConfigIdReferenceDeepMergeArrays flag can be used.
  pageConfigIdReference?: PageId;

   * Used in combination with pageConfigIdReference. Do not overwrite arrays, but concat them.
  pageConfigIdReferenceDeepMergeArrays?: boolean;

   * Flag that sequentially executes all the service activators configured in the page.
   * Should not be used anymore. Instead use the TRIGGER_SERVICE_ACTIVATORS action with the executeServiceActivatorsSequential flag.
   * @deprecated true
   * @deprecationMessage Use "executeServiceActivatorsSequential" inside "onPageEnterActions"
  executeServiceActivatorsSync?: boolean;

   * Service activators to be called, when a page is opened.
  onPageEnterServiceActivators?: NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>;

   * Service activators to be called, when a user leaves the current page. (=click on the next button)
  onPageLeaveServiceActivators?: NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>;

   * Service activators to be called, when a user click in some button on the current page.
   * Example of how add a new serviceActivator call called "getCustomerInformation":
   *  "serviceActivators": {
   *     "getCustomerInformation": {
   *       "path": "customerInformation",
   *       "serviceActivatorMethod": "GET",
   *       "requestDataMapping": [
   *         {
   *           "stateKeyExpression": "$.documentId",
   *           "requestDataExpression": "$.documentId"
   *         }
   *       ],
   *       "responseDataMapping": [
   *         {
   *           "responseDataExpression": "$",
   *           "stateKeyExpression": "$.saveResponseHere"
   *         }
   *       ]
   *     }
   *   }
  serviceActivators?: {
    [key: string]: NavServiceActivatorConfig<ACTIONS>;

   * The list of possible next pages in the navigation flow.
  nextOptionList?: NavOptionConfig[];

   * The list of possible previous pages in the navigation flow.
   * If the backOptionList is not set, the automatically remembered history of the visited pages
   * will be used for the back navigation.
   * An empty backOptionList ([]) will prevent a back navigation.
  backOptionList?: NavOptionConfig[];

   * Do not add this page to the history of navigated pages.
  omitFromHistory?: boolean;

   * If this attribute is set to true, the remote state storage will
   * be shutdown when this page is entered.
   * This means the latest state will not be updated anymore.
  shutdownStateStorage?: boolean;

   * Allows the user to directly navigate this page within the flow
   * without a restored state.
   * Default is false, which means the user gets redirected to the first page, if no state
   * was restored.
  allowDirectNavigationWithoutState?: boolean;
   * By default when restoring the state it will navigate to the last visited page. If false
   * then it will navigate to the page passed in the fragment of url.
   * ex:
  navigateToLastVisitedPage?: boolean;

   * set to true to remove pages that have been visited
   * multiple nextOptionList pages that stores value to the state
  removePageFromState?: boolean;

   * A list of actions of the page,
   * the actions are executed sequentially before the user enters the page
   * They can use conditions to determine if they should be executed or not.
   * The following information is available for this in the state:
   * $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingTo
   * $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingFrom
  onPageEnterActions?: ACTIONS[];

   * A list of actions of the page,
   * the actions are executed sequentially before the user leaves the page in forward direction in the flow.
  onPageLeaveActions?: ACTIONS[];

   * Actions that are executed when the navigation of one page to another one is started.
   * They can use conditions to determine if they should be executed or not.
   * The following information is available for this in the state:
   * $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingTo
   * $._pfe.navigationState.navigatingFrom
  onNavigationStartActions?: ACTIONS[];

   * A list of actions of the page,
   * the actions are executed sequentially before the user leaves the page in a backward direction in the flow.
  onPageLeaveBackwardsActions?: ACTIONS[];

 * First page configurations which includes a list of possible first pages.
export interface FirstPageConfiguration<ACTIONS = PfeActionConfig> {
   * ServiceActivators that are executed before the first page evaluation is done.
   * The navigation to the first page can use the response data.
   * @deprecated true
   * @deprecationMessage Use "onEnterActions"
  onEnterServiceActivators?: NavServiceActivatorConfigsArray<ACTIONS>;

   * A list of actions to be executed before navigate to the
   * first page.
  onEnterActions?: ACTIONS[];

   * The list of possible first pages.
  nextOptionList: NavOptionConfig[];

export interface NavOptionConfig {
   * The ID of the next page to be displayed, if the conditions evaluate to true.
   * The ID is a reference to the page configuration.
   * The nextPageId can also be a jsonPath expression, that will be resolved during navigation.
  nextPageId?: string;

   * # Condition Syntax
   * The navigation conditions use jsonPath ( expressions to select data from the state.
   * There is tooling support available to create and test jsonpath expression.
   * The PFE dev tools also contain a possibility to test and debug expressions against a JSON.
   * The conditions to be evaluated can either be an array of {@link Condition} or an {@link ConditionAdvanced} object.
   * They are an optional attribute. If they are omitted, the result of true is assumed.
   * The selected data can then be compared with certain operators to a second value or a literal.
   * Possible operators are
   * ```
   * ==
   * ```
   * Checks if the two values are equal.
   * ```
   * !=
   * ```
   * Checks that the two values are not equal.
   * ```
   * < and >
   * ```
   * Compares the numerical value, to check if one of them is larger or
   * smaller than the other one.
   * The jsonpath syntax has the following basic format:
   * ```
   *  $.<attribute or expression>
   * ```
   * For example:
   * ```
   *  $.myCustomTextAreaID
   * ```
   * Keys, that contain special characters can be accessed in the following way:
   * ```
   *  $['some-attribute-name']
   * ```
   * Example configuration.
   * This example also shows, how jsonpath expressions can be used, to extract data from arrays.
   * ```json
   *  {
   *    "pageId": "damage-type-selection",
   *    "nextOptionList": [
   *      {
   *        "nextPageId": "page-type-overview",
   *        "conditions": [
   *          {
   *            "value1Expression":
   *              "$.damageTypeButtons..[?(@ == 'pageTypeOverview')]"
   *          }
   *        ]
   *      },
   *      {
   *        "nextPageId": "settlement-option",
   *        "conditions": [
   *          {
   *            "value1Expression": "$.damageTypeButtons..[?(@ == 'WATER_DAMAGE')]"
   *          }
   *        ]
   *      },
   *      {
   *        "nextPageId": "other-page",
   *        "conditions": {
   *          "operator": "AND",
   *          "conditions": [
   *            {
   *              "value1Expression": "$.damageTypeButtons..[?(@ == 'PARK_DAMAGE')]"
   *            }
   *          ]
   *        }
   *      }
   *    ]
   *  }
   * ```
  conditions?: Conditions;

   * Navigation to an external url:
   * Also it is possible to specify an external url as the next page based on a specific condition.
   * In this case the configuration will be:
   *     - nextPageId : <External url> It is possible, to use JSON Path expressions within the URL using {} and inside the expression
   *     - external: true
   * ```json
   * [
   *   {
   *     "pageId": "lastpage",
   *     "nextOptionList": [
   *       {
   *         "nextPageId": "{$.aaa.bbb}",
   *         "external": true
   *       }
   *     ]
   *   }
   * ]
   * ```
   * Its also possible to use a more complex parse of the params on the URL @see ExternalNavigationPathParams but both
   * options are not compatible.
  external?: boolean;

   * Allow to handle all the navigation path params that are provided when
   * its an external navigation.
   * You can use this in 2 different ways, that can be mixed together, in the following examples
   * the final URL its the same.
   * ```json
   * [
   *   {
   *     "pageId": "lastpage",
   *     "nextOptionList": [
   *       {
   *         "nextPageId": "/account/?pfestate-contractId={contractId}",
   *         "external": true,
   *         "externalNavigationPathParams": [
   *            {
   *              "id": "contractId",
   *              "value": "$.policy.contractId"
   *            }
   *          ]
   *       }
   *     ]
   *   }
   * ]
   * ```
   * ```json
   * [
   *   {
   *     "pageId": "lastpage",
   *     "nextOptionList": [
   *       {
   *         "nextPageId": "/account/?",
   *         "external": true,
   *         "externalNavigationPathParams": [
   *            {
   *              "name": "pfestate-contractId",
   *              "value": "$.policy.contractId"
   *            }
   *          ]
   *       }
   *     ]
   *   }
   * ]
   * ```
  externalNavigationPathParams?: ExternalNavigationPathParams[];

   * Propagate forward specified path params from the current route to external navigation.
   * If a path param is not found, it will be ignored.
   * ```json
   * [
   *   {
   *     "pageId": "lastpage",
   *     "nextOptionList": [
   *       {
   *         "nextPageId": "/account/",
   *         "external": true,
   *         "externalPathParamPropagations": ["startImpersonation"]
   *       }
   *     ]
   *   }
   * ]
   * ```
   * It is not possible to use JSON Path expressions within the URL if this option is in use.
   * Define them with externalNavigationPathParams instead.
  externalPathParamPropagations?: string[];

   * List of possibles userInputState updates
  updateStateValues?: StateUpdates[];

   * The meta navigation for the next page to be displayed, if the conditions evaluate to true.
   * This meta navigation is a group of navigations that appear in the navigation.json. (f.e first page nav)
  metaNavigation?: MetaNav;

export interface ExternalNavigationPathParams {
  /** The name of the param, for example "pfestate-contractNumber" */
  name?: string;
  /** The value in the URL for example {contractNumber} */
  id?: string;
  /** The value of the param, it can be a JsonPathExpression or just a value */
  value: string;
  /** A list of conditions to add that param */
  conditions?: Conditions;

 * This interface define the content of a state update
export interface StateUpdates {
   * Key or id of the element to be modified in the state
  key: JsonPathExpression;
   * Value to be added, replace, update or copy an existing inputState item
  value?: any | JsonPathExpression;
   * Possible operations to be apply
  operation?: StateOperations;
   * List of conditions that identify in which case we want to do this update.
   * In case of not define this list we will apply the update directly
  conditions?: Conditions;

 * State operation through different variables
export enum StateOperations {
  REMOVE = 'remove',
  PUSH = 'push',
  DECREASE = 'decrease',
  INCREASE = 'increase',
  /** Joins the "key" using the "value" as a join operator */
  JOIN = 'join',

export enum OPERATORS {
  AND = 'AND',
  OR = 'OR',

 * A questionAdvanced config allows it to choose the operator for the list of conditions.
 * Do not use this type directly. Use the {@link Conditions} instead.
export interface ConditionAdvanced {
  operator: OPERATORS;
  conditions: Condition[];

 * A condition to be evaluated by the {@link PfeRulesEvaluator}
 * Do not use this type directly. Use the {@link Conditions} instead.
export interface Condition {
   * Used to handle complex conditions instead of the value?Expression.
   * To evaluate a JsonPath expression, put curly braces {} around the expression, like {$.bffCreateClaim.claimNumber}.
   * After the JsonPath evaluation the complete expressions is evaluated. Examples:
   * !{$.undefinedKey}
   * {$.nine} > {$.negativeValue} || {$.KeyWest} == 99999
   * {$.questionContainerTest..[?(@.value == "LEFT_Q1")].value} == "LEFT_Q1"
   * If the expression evaluates to an object, a random number is generated instead which then evaluates to true.
  expression?: JsonPathExpression | boolean | number;

   * The first jsonPath expression.
   * If the expression doesn't start with a $ it is handled as a literal.
   * The operator and value2Expression are optional. If they are not
   * configured, the condition will evaluate to true, if the value1Expression expression
   * returns a defined value.
  value1Expression?: JsonPathExpression | boolean | number;

   * Indicate that the first value is treated as the real value instead of a string
   * during the condition evaluation. This only is applicable if there is also a value2Expression and
   * a operator, else the value1 is always treated as real.
   * @deprecated true
   * @deprecationMessage Use "expression" instead
  value1AsReal?: boolean;

   * The operator that is used for the comparison between the value1Expression and
   * value2Expression.
  operator?: string;

   * The second expression.
  value2Expression?: JsonPathExpression | boolean | number;

   * Indicate that the second value is treated as the real value instead of a string
   * @deprecated true
   * @deprecationMessage Use "expression" instead
  value2AsReal?: boolean;

 * Defines the serviceActivators to be triggered while doing so manually.
export enum ServiceActivatorHook {
  'ENTER' = 0,
  'LEAVE' = 1,

 * Defines the UrlParametersInState to save url parameter value to state.
export interface UrlParametersInState {
  key: string;
  stateKeyExpression: JsonPathExpression;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""