


[id: string]: ACTION
import { PfeNestedActions } from './nested-actions/nested-actions.model';
import { BivariantCallbackFunction } from '../util/typescript/strict-function-types';
import { Conditions } from '../pfe-conditions/public-api';
import { PfeReloadPageActionConfig } from './reload-page/reload-page-action.model';
import { PfeResetStateActionConfig } from './reset-state/reset-state.model';
import { RewindHistoryActionConfig } from './rewind-history/rewind-history.model';
import { PfeTriggerServiceActivatorsActionConfig } from './trigger-service-activators/trigger-service-activators.model';
import { PfeUpdateStateOnBackendActionConfig } from './update-state-on-backend/update-state-on-backend.model';
import { PfeUpdateStateValuesActionConfig } from './update-state-values/update-state-values.model';

 * These are the integrated default actions. Should be used as a basis for custom extensions in apps
export type PfeActionConfig =
  | PfeTriggerServiceActivatorsActionConfig
  | PfeUpdateStateValuesActionConfig
  | PfeUpdateStateOnBackendActionConfig
  | RewindHistoryActionConfig
  | PfeReloadPageActionConfig
  | PfeResetStateActionConfig
  | PfeNestedActions<PfeActionConfig>;

 * On the global actions the "type" is mandatory and we don't allow the "globalConfigId" key
export interface PfeGlobalAction extends Pick<PfeBaseActionConfig, Exclude<keyof PfeBaseActionConfig, 'globalConfigId'>> {
  type: string;

export interface PfeBaseActionConfig {
   *  A custom name unique for the action, for example, "UPDATE_STATE_VALUES" or "TRIGGER_SERVICE_ACTIVATORS"
  type?: string;

   * A list of conditions under which the actions are executed
  conditions?: Conditions;

   * If break is "true" and the action was executed (that means, no conditions or conditions returns true)
   * The flow will be stopped and the next actions will not be executed
  break?: boolean;

   * Only valid on the navigation.
   * Will spread the actions.
  globalConfigId?: string;

export interface GlobalActions<ACTION = PfeActionConfig> {
  [id: string]: ACTION;

 * Actions have to implement this function.
 * An action can return a boolean result to indicate if further execution should be stopped.
 * For example, this applies to a navigation that triggers an action.
 * If no boolean is returned, a positive (true) response is assumed.
 * This works in a similar fashion as the Angular route guards with the difference that actions are not executed in parallel.
 * But: The break flag in the action config has to be set to true, to prevent further actions from being executed.
 * If an exception is thrown by this function, the execution of the actions is aborted.
 * The function itself is responsible to handle things like a redirection to an error page, etc...
export type PfeActionFunction = BivariantCallbackFunction<(actionConfig: PfeBaseActionConfig) => Promise<void | boolean>>;

export interface ExecutionResult {
  wasExecuted: boolean;
  actionResult: boolean;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""